Safely Ringing through COVID-19
Handbell Industry Council (HIC) has compiled several documents that can serve as a guideline to churches, schools, and ringing ensembles when they are ready to ring again.
Linnette Rodriguez-Figueroa, Ph.D.
Handbell ringers all over the world are looking forward to start rehearsals as soon as possible. Here you will find some suggestions you might apply in your handbell rehearsals to keep ringers safe.
Amy Maakestad
Never before has the handbell community experienced a pandemic. The COVID-19 virus has thrown rehearsals, concerts, worship services, workshops, festivals, and fellowship into disarray. Although it will be possible for us at some point to return to a new kind of normal, it most certainly will not be soon.
Sondra Tucker
Since new music is being published all the time, it is impossible to keep a list of titles that would be both current and not too unwieldy. HIC recommends you research the following publishers and retailers for music that fits your personal needs, and consult denominational and government agencies for guidance to safely gathering in your part of the country.
Linnette Rodriguez-Figueroa, Ph.D.
Linnette Rodriguez-Figueroa, Ph.D.